Una nazione di defunti.

Qualora non fosse gia' abbastanza evidente il significato simbolico di concedere un'estensione fino al giorno dei morti, il sempre ottimo John Crace stamattina in un articolo che e' un piacere leggere dalla prima all'ultima riga scrive:

The UK had long since ceased to have a meaningful say in anything. It was the EU that had taken back control. Now she could go back home and do nothing again. Another walking holiday in Wales perhaps. Everyone could down tools till the end of October. At which point the shit would hit the fan all over again.

E poi:

The blame lay entirely with everyone who had made her prime minister. There was no need to ask her what she would be dressing up as for Halloween. She would be coming as herself. The living dead. If that didn’t terrify the EU into giving us another extension, nothing would.

Si stenta a riconoscerli. Sono gli stessi che si sentivano cosi' superiori a noi immigrati europei? Che brutta fine hanno fatto.
