Suggerisco ai lettori di London Calling alcuni pensieri sui quali meditare durante le vacanze. Li ho tratti da "The essence of wisdom", scritto da Tenzin Gyatso, sua santita' il XIV Dalai Lama.
"We cannot achieve world peace
Without first achieving peace
Within ourselves ..... inner peace.
In an atmosphere of
Hatred, anger, competition and violence,
No lasting peace
Can be achieved.
These negative and destructive forces
Must be overcome by
Compassion, love and altruism,
Which are the essential teachings ofThe Buddha".
"We humans are the only species with the power to destroy the Earth as we know it. The birds have no such power, nor do the insects, nor does any mammal. Yet if we have the capacity to destroy the Earth, so, too, do we have the capacity to protect it".
"Flourishing plants clean the wind, help us to breath the sustaining air of life, they please the eye and soothe the mind, and make a welcoming resting place".
Il loto indiano lo ha dipinto lei.
speriamo che impariamo a rispettarla questa Madre Terra. Bentornato